Fashion & You...


A Woman's favorite accessory and a Man's best-man.

Though woman are not the only ones who get to wear fashion but they are the ones driving it to the core. Fashion has always been a great aspect in defining one's mood.

It defines how a person is, not to be mistaken with being judgemental at all; but to know how things go on in one's mind and what thought process they go through while choosing 'What To Wear?'

Fashion is an Aesthetic Expression
Fashion is an Aesthetic Expression
Fashion is not just a trend now. It has became a necessity! A way of showing emotions and a way of feeling alive. A depiction of style, comfort , passion, mood and emotions altogether. It has became the most aesthetic way of expressing YOU!!!


Today, Fashion has became the centre of attention. Being the most Visual Industry, Fashion gained a lot of importance in between today's generation, which explains why the social media platforms have gained so much popularity over time. Fashion content is easily available online on these platforms.

Fashion comes with simplicity too

Fashion from different perspectives...

The meaning of fashion changes all the time, from different angles and different perspectives. It differs from person to person. Some choose comfort over style , while some choose style over comfort. Some like ethnic, some like western, and there are people who like Indo-western.

The purpose of fashion is different for everyone.

For some people, it is a way of expressing their feelings and emotions. They are the ones who wear their emotions up their sleeves. The way they carry themselves defines their mood and their attire is their way of representing themselves.

For some people, it is simply a way of celebrating their strength & beauty. To look empowered is the way to feel empowered. They carry style with a hint of bravery and self- dependency. They are the bravest for celebrating their beauty with boldness.

If you ask me, JOY that is the purpose of fashion for me. The joy of wearing something that makes you feel powerful or beautiful or in control. That is fashion in true sense, for me!

Fashion is a Woman's Jewel
"Fashion celebrates woman. Each and everyone is beautiful in their own way. So, at the end of the day, you should be the one defining fashion and not the other way around. WEAR WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES."


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  1. Marvelous,,,, Simply Marvelous....


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